Presenting Sponsor Benefits
All benefits of Diamond Level, PLUS:
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Presenting Sponsor
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 6 standalone)
- Recognition during sponsor slide presentation (Group/tiered recognition and standalone slide) and other event signage
- Full-page ad in Inside Out, Chamber digital Magazine (sponsor produced)
- $2,000 allocated to supporting new businesses owned by people of color, trans and women, with business scholarships, recognition as Pay It Forward Champion First Tier Supporter through 2024
- Opportunity to provide a featured sponsor message via email and blog to Chamber members and member prospects
- Opportunity to present one Pride In Business Award
- Sponsor produced a promotional video during the program (one minute)
- Logo included on step-and-repeat photo backdrop
- Up to Three (3) Tables (prime placement)
Diamond Sponsor
All benefits of Emerald Level, PLUS:
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Diamond Sponsor
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 4 standalone)
- Half page ad in Inside Out, Chamber digital Magazine (sponsor produced)
- $750 allocated to supporting new businesses owned by people of color, trans and women, with business scholarships, recognition as Pay It Forward Champion First Tier Supporter through 2024
- Verbal recognition during program remarks
- (main program and VIP reception)
- Up to Two (2) tables (prime placement)
Emerald Sponsor
All benefits of Ruby Level, PLUS:
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Emerald Sponsor
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 3 standalone)
- $500 allocated to supporting new businesses owned by people of color, trans and women, with business scholarships, recognition as Pay It Forward Champion First Tier Supporter through 2024
- Up to Two (2) tables
Ruby Sponsor
All benefits of Sapphire Level, PLUS:
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Ruby Sponsor
- Opportunity to present one Pride In Business Award
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 2 standalone)
- One (1) table
Sapphire Sponsor
All benefits of Topaz Sponsor, PLUS:
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Sapphire Sponsor
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 3/sponsor group)
- Six (6) event tickets
Topaz Sponsor
All benefits of Pearl Sponsor, PLUS:
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Topaz Sponsor
- Logo recognition included in event promotions (newsletter and website)
- Logo recognition in program
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 2/sponsor group)
- Logo recognition during sponsor slide presentation (group/tiered recognition) and other event signage
- Logo recognition as a Pride In Business Awards sponsor in Chamber digital magazine, Inside Out
- Logo recognition on the 2024 Chamber Wall of Appreciation
- Four (4) event tickets
Pearl Sponsor
- Recognized as Pride In Business Awards Pearl Sponsor
- Name recognition included in event promotions (newsletter and website)
- Name recognition in program
- Recognition on social media, including Facebook Event (min 1/sponsor group)
- Name recognition during sponsor slide presentation (group/tiered recognition) and other event signage
- Included in Chamber’s end of the year sponsor recognition
- Name recognition on the 2024 Chamber Wall of Appreciation
- Two (2) event tickets